Where did all that anger come from?

by Michelle Barr on September 1, 2010

in Conscious Creators Manifesting Everyday Miracles,Uncategorized

The other day, I found myself in a very uncomfortable place, swimming in an energy that I don’t often hang out in. I was angry. I was mad. I was pissed. At God, the Universe, people, circumstances, the world and myself. I pulled out my spiritual toolbox and got to work with some of my best tools and techniques, and I waited to feel better.

A day later, I woke up still submerged.

By now, a few of my best spiritual friends were calling to check in on me, and I was talking to them, hoping they would help me shift this energy.

I was really getting uncomfortable. It was everything I could do not to get too close to the edge of the slippery slope that leads to feeling powerless and victimized.

What I realized on Day Three was that this required a paradigm shift.

What do I know about anger?

I know that anger can show up when we are actively working on manifesting. In any act of manifesting something, there are two things we want to consider, desire and resistance.

Think about “Beginner’s Luck.” I play Bunco with a group of women, and we’ve been doing this almost monthly for several years now. It never fails that someone who shows up and has never played before, has no idea how to play the game, and doesn’t really understand what outcome they want to achieve walks away with the money. We see it over and over again. This is because there is low desire and low resistance. We show up, and we have very little attachment to the outcome. We don’t have a lot of beliefs about being a “good” Bunco player or how easy or hard it might be to win.

When we have some desire and some resistance for something, we begin to experience frustration. Depending on the strength of the desire versus the strength of the resistance, we will feel mildly frustrated or more frustrated than usual.

Now consider when you are feeling really contented. Usually you are in a place where you feel little desire for something you don’t have and little resistance to what you do have. Everything feels just about right. When we are contented, we don’t have a whole lot of motivation to move. We kind of like where we are. We think we might stay a while.

And then there is anger. Anger shows up when we have strong desire for something and encounter strong resistance at the same time. At the moment that your vibration is experiencing increasing desire and also increasing resistance at the same time, it starts to stir things up inside of you. That is exactly what was going on with me. Suddenly, I was able to appreciate the anger as a motivator. I was able to appreciate my discomfort urging me to do something and do something now.

An “aha moment” brings Insight, which brings Shift, and now I look at this differently, and I can see a way to relief. I can see what I am really asking myself for.

Now, I can go back to my spiritual toolbox and choose a process and get to work. Very quickly, I am feeling empowered again and in control. I have reclaimed my role as Creator of my own life.

The anger begins to dissipate, as higher and cleaner energies come in. It is no longer needed now that I have gotten the message, and I am on the right track.

Michelle enjoys helping others fill their spiritual toolboxes by working with her clients and students individually, in small groups through workshops, and by speaking to large groups at events.

Visit her website to find out more about Michelle and her work.

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Linda September 1, 2010 at 2:16 pm

Thanks for sharing your insights! Great article.

Monica September 2, 2010 at 5:30 pm

Love your blog. This should help me with a re-ocurring issue in my life.

Suzie Bowers September 5, 2010 at 5:46 pm

Very insightful Michelle. Love this and how you really shared your humanity. Even coaches with lots of tools get stuck in their own drama from time to time.

The key is to accept responsibility for your state and the thinking that is causing the emotional discomfort. With our new awakened consciousness, we can decide to make different choices about our focus.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change.” Dr. Wayne Dyer
Suzie Bowers recently posted..Focus On Your Own Path or An Opportunity to Grow

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